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Sunspot Lit is launching a new initiative to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and creativity in prose, poetry, and art. For a limited time, the journal’s usual open calls will include an open call specifically for works created with the assistance of AI software, chatbots, or other programs. 

“Assistance” is being defined as moderate to significant reliance on AI to generate creative works: using programs or generators to create paragraphs or entire works of prose; lines of poetry or entire poems; and artwork. Minor assistance by any software program such as title generators, character name generators, or grammar correction is not considered to have been assisted by AI. 

Please note that Sunspot does not allow AI assistance for any of its standard open calls or contests; AI-assisted works will only be considered under this specific call. 

The cover letter must describe the type of AI assistance as well as the creator’s individual contribution to the final work (revisions, light editing, digital manipulation, etc.). Submissions for this open call will be considered for publication in the quarterly digital and annual print editions alongside non-AI assisted works. Published results will include a note that clarifies the work was created with AI assistance. 

The lowest fee allows you to submit artwork (a total of two images) or very short prose or 3 pages of poetry. Longer prose and poetry submissions, up to novella form, can also be submitted by selecting the appropriate fee from the dropdown menu.  
Be sure to select the correct fee option based on length. Incorrect fee selection will result in rejection without consideration.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.